Play Me a Song
It’s difficult to even imagine what you may come across at the beach — and this piano proves that we’re nowhere near even scratching the surface of that answer.

We wonder how the piano even got here. Perhaps someone left it there by mistake, although that’d be hard to do, given its size. Or maybe, it was once aboard a cruise ship. In any event, it’s probably best to stay away from this broken instrument. For all we know, it may have the power to call the Sea Sirens.
Chess, Anyone?
Sure — there are all types of sandcastle competitions that take place all around the world. And while some spectacular sculptures have come out of those competitions, nothing can really beat Mother Nature’s artistic abilities.

These sand sculptures, which slightly resemble Chess pieces, are known as ‘sand hoodoos’ and they were spotted on the shore of Lake Michigan at Tiscornia Park. Though rare, these pillars can form at any time of the year as long as there’s wet sand and continuous high winds for several days.
Look Into My Crystal Ball
Let’s be real — if we found this glass orb on the beach, we’d totally try to read our fortune. After all, it looks pretty magical, what with its blue-green hue and all the protruding barnacles. Even if it’s not magical, though, it’s definitely a piece worth keeping.

After all, it was found on a beach in Hawaii. After the orb was washed up by the tide, it became one with the sand and shells that this particular beach had to offer. That is, until this OP discovered it and took it home with them.
Beachy Runway
Going to the beach is fun, but it’s also pretty messy. Walking can become quite the task, as your shoes sink into the sand every couple of seconds — not to mention all the beach-goers that use wheelchairs, strollers, and walkers.

Well, this town of Cobourg (Ontario, Canada) decided to install an accessibility mat at their Victoria Beach. The accessibility mat makes the beach universally accessible. It has been installed from the midpoint of the Victoria Beach boardwalk at the gazebo and runs right near the water’s edge on Lake Ontario.
Rock On
Next up, we have a rock that formed within another rock. Even with that knowledge, though, it’s hard to pinpoint what it is at first glance.

Some internet users have mistaken it for a dinosaur egg while others have hypothesized that it’s concretion. It turns out, however, that it’s indeed a rock. Nature is just extremely unpredictable sometimes!
A Tiny Coca-Cola Bottle
This miniature Coca-Cola bottle is an adorable beach find that we think anyone would be happy to find. This OP discovered it at the beach when he took the day off for his 40th birthday.

And what a birthday surprise it was! It turns out that these mini Coke bottles were once sold as keyrings in the market.
Is That You, Patrick?
Sometimes, the best things are hidden in plain sight. Looking a little closer can help you find the most unique items. Just like this rock here.

At first glance, it appears to be a normal rock. But, closer inspection reveals that the rock contains a unique starfish fossil. The person who found this kept it as a part of his collection when he realized that it was truly one-of-a-kind.
Christmas Trees
There’s no denying that North Carolina is absolutely and its beaches are proof of that. But, what if we told you that one of its beaches is lined with Christmas trees? You might think we’re joking at first. Then, you’ll probably assume that the locals might have dumped the trees after the holiday season came to an end. It turns out, though, that’s not the case.

The residents of this particular North Carolina beach actually lay down their Christmas trees, as they can help prevent erosion by trapping wind-blown sand to build up sand dunes — which, in turn, help prevent flooding. Now, that’s a truly amazing recycling idea.
A Modern Sandhouse
When you think of sandcastles, you probably think of a structure made using plastic buckets and tiny shovels. Add in a flag or two, and you know you’ve got something cool enough to show off to your friends. However, everything pales in comparison to this ingenious masterpiece.

This contemporary sand structure is as far from bucket pails as you can get. Rather, it’s made with absolute precision and care. Just look at the detail — from the pillars to the stairs and even the platform, there’s just no denying the innate artistic ability that one has to have in order to create this. No wonder the person who found it immediately snapped a photo.
Bridge Over Troubled Water
At high tide, the beach can look entirely different. Being that the water is at its highest elevation during this time, the ocean’s waters creep up the shore. In other words, you’re left with less sand and more water.

When you see this bridge for the first time, it’s hard not to assume that you’re looking at a construction fail. After all, why would anybody need a bridge in the middle of the sea? It turns out that the bridge is actually meant so that people can walk over the stream without getting their feet wet. It’s just been submerged halfway due to the high tide.
A Message in a Bottle
A form of communication, bottled messages are quite historical. So, finding a message in a bottle has to be a pretty special moment. This OP stumbled upon a message in a bottle while he was fishing.

In the bottle, there the OP found a piece of paper containing a typed-up message, along with a family picture. Written by a man named Mel, the heartfelt letter explains the kind of journey he’s on and asks that anyone who finds his bottle post a picture with it before returning it back to sea.
An Olympic Platform
Planning an Olympic event is not an easy task. Years of planning go into pulling off this international event. Even then, sometimes things can go awry. This is exactly what happened in Brazil during the 2016 Summer Games.

For a marathon swimming event, the country built a platform on the beach. However, the platform somehow detached from its position and washed up on a beach, much to the surprise of the people. The beach even had to be shut down so the platform could be recovered.
Making Waves
There’s a reason why cloud glazing is such a popular activity. If you stare at them long enough, you can find all sorts of shapes in them — from a house to a whale. For these beachgoers, the clouds made their experience that much more poetic by morphing into the shape of the ocean’s waves.

It’s hard to believe that we’re looking at an actual photo, rather than a painting. With that, it’s safe to say that nature never ceases to amaze us.
Nature’s Sundial
Who says humans are the only artists? It seems that no matter what we do, Mother Nature will always outdo us. It turns out that nature can create perfectly-shaped circles and as much as we hate to admit it, we definitely wouldn’t be able to do as good a job.

When one end of dried seaweed got stuck in the sand, it drew perfectly concentric circles as it was rotated by the wind.
Yooperlite Rocks
Whether you’re skipping rocks in the ocean or collecting pebbles along the shore, there’s no denying nature’s beauty. Take this handful of pebbles, for instance. Under normal light, the pebbles look totally ordinary. Once you hold them under UV light, though, the rocks really come to life.

Known as Yooperlite rocks, they’ve been found in different areas throughout Michigan but are most prominent in the Upper Peninsula along Lake Superior. Yooperlighte rocks are made up of mostly syenite rock, which is similar to granite. This means the rock looks like any other dark stone or typical gray rock, but there’s a twist — Yooperlites are rich with fluorescent sodalite, which is what gives them that glow under UV light.
A Heart-Shaped Shell
At first glance, this image may resemble a human heart. After all, it looks a lot like what we’ve seen in photos. However, the reality isn’t all that morbid — a heart didn’t really get washed up on shore.

This bizarre beach find is actually a shell covered in barnacles. The formation has turned out to be such that it looks like a part of the human body. Truly incredible.
Davy Jones’ Locker
A metaphor for the oceanic abyss, Davy Jones’ locker has been found! Or, so it seems. In all seriousness, this OP literally stumbled upon this massive wooden plank of sorts during a visit to Dillon Beach in sunny California.

To show you just how massive this box actually is, the OP was captured sitting on it for scale. And while the plank may not seem all that giant to you even after staring at the photo for a few seconds, we think it’s worth noting that the dude stands tall at 5’10”.
Another Brick in the Wall
The sea has a way of turning the most mundane of things into an entirely new version of what they once were. Take this picture, for instance. You may think you’re looking at a new species of fish that was recently discovered.

It turns out, though, that this is just an ordinary brick — except the brick has swelled in size. From the looks of it, it’s also been slightly eroded by the sea.
Keep Watch
When it comes to the ocean or sea, it can be hard to tell where certain things came from or how they ended up where they did. Then again, though, the mystery and intrigue are some of the best aspects of these bizarre beach findings.

Similarly, we’ll probably never know what this complete watch repair kit was doing out at sea. We just hope nobody is waiting to get their watches repaired with this lost kit.
Snowball Fight!
If you’re looking for a snowball fight like never before, Lake Michigan might be a great place to start! These iceballs were spotted on Lake Michigan in Benzie County, just south of the Sleeping Bear Dunes. Luckily, a resident managed to take some photos and a video of them.

Somewhat of a rare phenomenon, these iceballs vary in size and occasionally roll up on Great Lakes beaches — as well as on beaches in Germany, Russia, and Scandinavia. They form when the temperatures fall just below freezing along shallow beaches. The slush then collects into round shapes and the waves sculpt the ice chunks into orbs.
Roll the Dice
It’s all fun and games until someone loses the rolling dice — that is, unless you’re playing with this giant one! This particular rusty-looking die washed up on the shore of Lake Coeur d’Alene in Idaho.

According to a source named Sam Gridley, this isn’t the first time he’s seen the sizable object. According to the local, the die is actually an old storage tank that washed up near his Driftwood Bay property in 2008 and stuck around. One year, he said, someone put circles on the tank to give it the appearance of a die.
Are You Squidding Me?
Perhaps one of the greatest things about being at the beach is all the sea creatures that you can see and discover. This OP, for instance, found this squid while working on the beach. According to the Reddit user, this little guy will have a 14-feet wingspan within two years.

To give you an idea of just how large that is, within only a couple of years, this octopus will have a larger wingspan than that of a Wandering Albatross — which has the largest wingspan amongst all living birds.
Fool’s Gold
Dubbed fool’s gold, iron pyrite is a mineral that has a superficial resemblance to gold, hence its nickname. Being that fool’s gold can be found in the fossils and rocks of the Jurassic Coast, it doesn’t come as much of a surprise that the OP discovered this particular piece on an English beach.

Though, we can’t help but wonder whether they kept the ammonite for themselves or gifted it to someone special. Either way, there’s no denying that it’s a great beach find!
Only the Best Is Good Enough
As much as it hurts to step on one of these pieces, LEGO bricks are super popular. The tiny building blocks allow your imagination to run wild. However, have you ever seen a LEGO piece this large?

It turns out that Dutch painter and sculptor Ego Leonard is behind these oversized LEGO figurines. Sometimes, the name is also applied to the sculptures, which have been found on various beaches around the world since the late 2000s — including in Japan, Florida, and California.
An Ancient Stone Carving
If you’ve ever dreamt of being Indiana Jones and recovering ancient artifacts, the beach might be a good place to start. You never know what you might find…

Take this piece, for instance. This engraved slab of sandstone was washed up on the beach at Preminghana, south of Marawah, in 2002.
Harley Davidson
Canadians are known to be extremely nice and friendly, and this story completely backs up that claim. Recently, a Harley Davidson washed up ashore the coast of British Columbia in Canada. The bike, when investigated, was believed to have traveled all the way from Miyagi, Northern Japan — just by the power of the sea.

How the bike survived the journey is something that cannot be fathomed. But, the person who found the bike in Canada did try to look for its owner so they could return it to them.
Stacked Stone Arches
Artists can make any place a playground for their artistic instincts. A beach is one such place where many artists build new and creative things, sometimes just for fun.

These stone arches were found on the beach. The beautiful construction is a study in creativity and balance, and is a sure indication that the artist is a budding architect. Kudos to them for managing to balance so many stones on top of one another.
A Glass Throne
Okay, well — it’s not exactly a throne but when something it’s this regal and unique, calling it a chair would be doing it a disservice. The chair was found on a black sand beach in Iceland and is another one of nature’s greatest masterpieces.

It was made when a chunk of glacial ice was weathered by the sea and ended up in this shape. It definitely doesn’t look like the most comfortable seat, but it really is a showpiece.
Day Dreamin’
Some people love the heat, while others prefer cold weather. What happens, though, if you’re all about winter but live in a beach city that’s hot almost all year round? You imagine yourself in a completely different place, of course!

From the looks of it, that’s what this sculptor tried to do — considering that their masterpiece features snowy mountain peaks and log cabins. Found on Jerusalem Beach in Tel Aviv, this piece embodies a place totally opposite of its actual location.
Going Bananas!
Back in 2007, thousands of bananas washed up on two Dutch North Sea islands on Wednesday. About half a mile stretch of beach on Terschelling island was littered with bunches of the fruit, along with the neighboring Ameland island.

Apparently, though, Terschelling residents are no strangers to stuff turning up on their beach — from tennis shoes to briefcases. Luckily, the bananas didn’t go to waste, as many locals managed to get them to the nearest zoo for the monkeys to eat.
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Let’s be honest — who doesn’t love rainbows? Whether you’re admiring a real one in the sky or forming a rainbow out of pebbles on the beach, the combination of colors is enough to make anyone smile.

Found on Hornsea Beach in the United Kingdom, this artist must have spent hours just searching and collecting all the pebbles required to make the rainbow.
Beach outings don’t always go as expected. Sure — you can decide what bathing suit to wear and how many snacks to bring, but you can’t always predict what the mighty sea has in store. And along with the sea, you don’t always know what you’ll find at the beach. From washed-up instruments to ancient artifacts, people have found all kinds of bizarre things at the beach. Here are some of the most amazing things that people have found during a day at the beach.